CREAzIONE project

creazione /krea’tsjone/ s. f. [dal lat. creatio -onis, der. di creāre “creare”]. [atto di creare, di fare nascere dal nulla]  ≈ ‖ invenzione, scoperta.

I create this artistic project based on physical comedy and mime drama: the use of the body as the main creative tool.

The project works with different formats: theatre, cinema, audio, training, social inclusion.

Acting writing directing.

The body as the main form of expression is a widely accepted concept, yet there is a difficulty in society in the conscious use of it. We lack the ability to be able to fully manoeuvre it as an extension of our thoughts and emotions.

I propose with lightness and poetry. I provoke according to the rules of comedy. I transport the spectator from passivity to action: a creation.


Italian, originally from Umbria, with a degree in Advertising, he founded his acting career in Paris, Barcelona and London, attending schools and teachers in Mime corporelle dramatique of E. Decroux and physical theatre.
Working on the body, movement and its expression fascinates him and leads him to explore its full potential. Curiosity and research lead him to perform in physical theatre, mime, masks, clowns, street theatre, Commedia dell’Arte, opera, contemporary dance, research and experimental theatre, sensory experiences, site-specific performances and of course theatre and cinema in more traditional senses.

Endowed with boundless creativity, Daniele acts freely with diversified interests to develop ideas in theatre, film, writing, illustration, painting, photography, social media, sports, advertising, corporate, events, music and travel.
A natural comic brio places him in a precarious balance between a former comedian, a mime and a white clown.
His personal method develops a sensitivity in the discovery of original forms of expression.


Leggi tutto “Bio”

Cinema and voiceover

Screen reel

And demo audio

Actor Gallery



SBONK: Espectàculo infantil (+6) para escuelas y teatros y espacios no convencionales. 

LA VITA DI VITO: 1 hours of mime and pantomime gags from the very begging to the end of Vito’s existence. 

TENGO HAMBRE: (show) a re-invention of a Commedia dell’ arte solo. A food esperienza. An immersive site specific performance.

REVERIE: (show) a sublime, poetic, comedy mime show about daydreams. A journey to get out isolation and show our true self.

WORKSHOP – BEGINNERS/INTERMEDIATE: CREATE WITH the BODY and its articulate expression.

CORPORATE WORKSHOP: “Conscious Communication Through Theater”